Founder & Head Coach

Steve Schlafman

Hello, I'm Steve an ICF-certified Coach, and I’m committed to helping you navigate your transition with intention, clarity and self-compassion. 

My journey into coaching began in 2017, shortly after making Partner at a multi-billion dollar VC firm. Despite my success and achievements, I was burnt out and felt a profound sense of emptiness. This epiphany led me to resign and embark on a multi-year journey without a clear direction. 

The process was often disjointed and disorienting, while I held on tightly to what was familiar—including old roles, patterns, beliefs, and identities—and didn’t have a clear vision for where I was heading. I was lost. Something had to change because my approach was no longer working.

The faster I moved, the more disconnected I became from my true self. I needed to stop trying to push forward, and instead change gears entirely. Once I began to slow down, create space, and connect more deeply with myself, the path forward became clear.

I discovered my calling was to support high performers through transition and transformation. Downshift is the coaching firm I wish I had access to when I was wandering in the wilderness without a map.

With over a decade of experience investing, advising and coaching founders and leaders across various sectors, I've dedicated thousands of hours to mastering the art of coaching and transformation.

Discover more about me on my personal website, follow me on Twitter @schlaf, or dive deeper into transition stories by checking out my blog, "Where the Road Bends.” Beyond coaching and writing, I'm passionate about my wife and daughters, meditation, cycling, music, reading, cooking, and nature.

Credentials & Trainings

  • ICF Professional Certified Coach

  • Coaching for Transformation

  • Aletheia Integral Unfoldment (Level I)

  • 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership

  • Mental Health First Aid

  • Tiny Habits with BJ Fogg 

  • Power of Embodied Transformation

  • The Neuroscience of Change

  • Positive Intelligence

  • Intro to Enneagram with Josh Lavine

  • Evryman Men’s Emotional Leadership Training (MELT)

  • Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

Other Relevant Experience

  • 10 years of daily meditation practice

  • 9 years of sobriety

  • 10-day Goenka Meditation Retreat

  • Metta Meditation Retreat with Sharon Salzberg

  • Tonglen Meditation Retreat with Ethan Nichtern

  • Reboot Bootcamp with Jerry Colonna

  • Soulcraft 5-Day Intensive

  • The Hoffman Process

  • Participant in various Men’s Groups

  • Group Coach at Medley

Prior to becoming a Coach, I was a Partner and Principal at top venture capital funds in New York City, including Primary Venture Partners, Lerer Hippeau Ventures, and RRE Ventures.

Before investing, I held a variety of operating roles at Microsoft, The New England Patriots, and start-ups, including: Stickybits and

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Northeastern University with a degree in Business Administration.